Echinacea Cotton Candy(эхинацея)-более совершенный, улучшенный вариант эхинацеи 'Razzmatazz' с более крупными махровыми розовыми цветками-помпонами и обильным цветением.Учитывая массивность помпона, при посадке в местах сильно продуваемых ветром, растениям требуется опора. Предпочитает солнце. Originator Arie Blom (Netherlands) Высота растения (Height): 80см. (32'') Ширина растения (Spread): 70см. (28'') Цветение (Bloom Time): июль-сентябрь (7-9) This Echinacea purpurea cultivar is a rather large and very strong plant, floriferous with large, pink, fully double pompon-like flowers. The cone of the flowers completely consists of very long ray flowers, which are however shorter than the lowest ray flowers, normally present with E. purpurea. Like with every other E. purpurea the cone develops bottom up, until all disc flowers have developed completely giving the flower a full, pompon-like appearance. The flower stems are well branching and produce a lot of large flowers. On a windy spot the plant could be supported to help the plant carrying the weight of all the large flowers. The plant height will reach about 33-34’’. Flowering starts in July and continues until in September.